#AdvocacyMatters: Eleven Days

The decisions we make in eleven days will have an impact for years to come. With so much at stake, it’s critical that every voice is heard and every vote is counted. Read more...

October 23, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Empty Classrooms, Unique Solutions

Adapting to online school can be hard for all children, but what if your child’s academic success depended on seeing their teachers and peers face-to-face? Read more...

October 16, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Taking Action, Not Sides

Through the haze of negative campaign ads and catchy one-liners, it can be difficult to figure out exactly where the candidates stand issues of importance to Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

October 9, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Listening, Learning, Adjusting

Every day that goes by brings with it new challenges and new obstacles for Ohioans with disabilities. Read more...

October 2, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Safer at Home

Thousands of Ohioans face barriers leaving institutions in favor of community care. Read more...

September 25, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Plan Your Vote

We want to ensure that every voice is heard once the ballots are counted, and PLAN YOUR VOTE will help Ohioans across the state participate in this historic election. Read more...

September 18, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Fighting for Peace of Mind

Earlier this year, a concerned family reached out to Disability Rights Ohio on behalf of their son Tanner, who has autism. Read more...

September 11, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Decoding Medicaid Managed Care

Much like parents, managed care providers can have trouble working through the complex Medicaid managed care system. Read more...

September 4, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Back to School, Far from Ordinary

When a child’s future is at stake, no decision should be taken lightly. Read more...

August 28, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Growing Our Impact

It’s often said that challenges create champions. The hardships we’ve seen in our clients’ experiences, our communities, and our own homes over the last 6 months haven’t deterred us Read more...

August 14, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Advocacy Through Research

A deeper understanding of any problem creates better solutions. We’re proud to have just announced the results of a three-year study we completed with our partners at the Ohio Brain Injury Program on people with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) living in Ohio nursing facilities. Read more...

August 7, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Another Year of Differences Made

The strength of an organization lies in its results, and 2019 was a historic year for Disability Rights Ohio and the communities we serve. Through advocacy, assistance, and action our work made it possible for more Ohioans to live, work, learn, and go where they wanted. Read more...

July 24, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Leading the Charge to Protect Equal Access to Care

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, there have been very serious concerns across the country about equal access to life-saving health care for people with disabilities. Read more...

July 13, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: When keeping her family together was at risk, we helped her fight

Angela didn’t give up and neither did we, because #advocacymatters. Read more...

July 2, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: Bringing Abuses to Light

Earlier this week, we released the results of our nine-month investigation into Sequel Pomegranate, a residential treatment facility for children in Columbus. Our findings were shocking: Serious and systemic cases of abuse and neglect, violations of safety and treatment standards, inappropriate use of restraint, peer-to-peer bullying and staff intimidation, and... Read more...

June 26, 2020Read More

#AdvocacyMatters: COVID-19 and Racial Equality

Today, Disability Rights Ohio submitted testimony to the Minority Health Strike Force. The Strike Force was created by Governor DeWine to examine the impact of COVID-19 on minority populations and report on solutions to address the health disparities in our state. Read more...

June 19, 2020Read More

Moving Forward Together

At Disability Rights Ohio, our vision is to create a society where all members are equal participants: where members of any minority enjoy the same rights as the majority. We recognize the impact of generations of oppression and systemic injustice in our work. Read more...

June 9, 2020Read More

How School Closures Are Impacting Special Education. What You Need to Know. #AdvocacyMatters

Have you been trying to teach your kids from home? For parents trying to navigate home schooling AND access to special education services for their children, it's even more difficult. Read more...

April 17, 2020Read More

They Said He Couldn’t Return Home; We Fought for His Right to Live in his Community. #AdvocacyMatters

Last winter, Francis contacted Disability Rights Ohio for help leaving a nursing facility. Francis has physical disabilities and had been stuck unnecessarily in a nursing facility for years. This restrictive setting was stifling for him; he lost his independence and autonomy and became depressed. Francis desperately wanted to return... Read more...

March 10, 2020Read More

She was banned from a local pool because of her disability. We helped her get the access she deserved. #AdvocacyMatters

Traci had been using a local recreational center's pool for prescribed physical therapy sessions to treat her spina bifida. After just three weeks, though, the rec center revoked her access to the pool because of her colostomy bag. Read more...

August 30, 2019Read More

Tyra hadn't received the education she needed. Our advocacy got her into the right program. #AdvocacyMatters

When her family resettled in Ohio as refugees from Zimbabwe two years ago, Tyra looked forward to receiving the quality of education she was unable to access for years in exile because she was deaf. She and her family began working with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) to find... Read more...

August 16, 2019Read More

Her guardian wasn't listening. We raised her voice. #AdvocacyMatters

Megan lived independently with her boyfriend of six years and received regular visits from her private agency guardian. One day, the guardian thought she saw a "crack pipe" in the couple's apartment and ordered Megan to take a drug test. Read more...

August 2, 2019Read More

He wanted to live with his family. We made sure he kept the funding to do so. #AdvocacyMatters

Nicholas was excited when he received an Individual Options (IO) waiver so he could live in his community with his brother and sister-in-law. But then he and his family had difficulties finding service providers that could give him the 24/7 care he needed. When his county's Board of Developmental Disabilities... Read more...

June 28, 2019Read More

He needed surgery to keep his job. We helped him get assistance to pay for it. #AdvocacyMatters

Daniel was happy to start his new job on an assembly line. One month later, his cataracts caused him to miss the holes for the nails he was inserting. He was written up and told unofficially that if he couldn't see, he would be let go. Read more...

June 21, 2019Read More

She was told to graduate before she was ready. We helped her stay in the programs she needed. #AdvocacyMatters

Morgan was heading into her fourth year of high school. She was excited to attend a "social graduation," where she would walk across the stage with her class but would then remain in school to obtain needed services as part of her IEP transition plan. Under IDEA, students with disabilities... Read more...

May 31, 2019Read More

Her baby was taken from her because of her disability. We filed a brief in support of her right to parent. #AdvocacyMatters

Jenna, an independent woman with an intellectual disability, was excited about being a new mother following the birth of her baby daughter. However, while still in the hospital recovering from the delivery, child protective services removed the baby from Jenna's custody and placed her with a foster family. Read more...

May 3, 2019Read More

He wasn't receiving the accommodations he needed to succeed. We got him back on track to graduate. #AdvocacyMatters

Michael is a long-time nurse who is currently enrolled in a program to become a nurse practitioner. As a person who is hard of hearing, Michael requires speech-to-text technology and captioned videos to access class lectures and materials. When these accommodations were not provided, however, Michael began to struggle in... Read more...

April 26, 2019Read More

Her service dog was denied entry at a JFS office. We opened the doors. #AdvocacyMatters

Lynn's service dog is trained to help her manage the symptoms of her PTSD. When making trips to her local Job and Family Services (JFS) office, security staff asked Lynn twice to provide proof of her dog's status as a service animal. Both times, they ultimately refused to allow her... Read more...

April 19, 2019Read More

Gabe went from struggling to all As and Bs, with help from DRO. #AdvocacyMatters

When Gabe started second grade, he was really struggling in school. He was getting speech therapy, but his mother knew he was not progressing academically like he should. She asked the school to provide additional services, but they refused. She then requested a re-evaluation for Gabe, which was also refused.... Read more...

April 12, 2019Read More

DRO's new annual report highlights the importance of the P&A system

Our new Annual Report shows what we did, but it also paints a portrait of what life for Ohioans with disabilities would be if there were no P&A and CAP. Hundreds of people would be denied services without recourse. They wouldn't receive information about how to challenge those decisions. Read more...

March 29, 2019Read More

He wasn't getting enough time out of his cell. His complaint to DRO led to systemic policy change. #AdvocacyMatters

David has a diagnosed mental illness and has been placed in solitary confinement in a state correctional facility. He felt his mental health was deteriorating and believed that he was not getting enough out-of-cell time in line with state prison policy. He attempted to advocate for himself, but he wasn't... Read more...

March 22, 2019Read More

He needed additional services to keep him safe. One email from DRO changed the outcome. #AdvocacyMatters

Ben had a Level 1 Medicaid waiver, which provided some services, but not enough to keep him from wandering away from his home at night sometimes, which put him at risk. His father had applied to get him placed on a SELF waiver three times, but the county board of... Read more...

March 15, 2019Read More

DRO seeks to better help clients through trauma at OVWA training #AdvocacyMatters

On February 21 and 22, DRO's Victims of Crime attorney Sarah Hill and advocate Basil Stolar attended a training hosted by the Ohio Victim Witness Association (OVWA) to learn about working with individuals who have experienced trauma. Read more...

March 1, 2019Read More

A veteran was at risk of losing her support dog. We stepped in to help. #AdvocacyMatters

Claire, a veteran diagnosed with PTSD, has three support dogs that help her manage the symptoms of her disability. However, her Homeowners Association (HOA) accused her of violating their two pet policy. Read more...

February 22, 2019Read More

He was facing expulsion. We kept him in school. #AdvocacyMatters

When Caleb started having behaviors at school, he was removed from his school's general education program and placed in a behavioral program. Another conflict got the seventh-grader suspended due to aggressive behavior, and the school moved to expel him. Read more...

February 15, 2019Read More

Things at her workplace were changing. We stepped in to help her maintain her routine. #AdvocacyMatters

Jenny had worked two-hour shifts at a café for 16 years and with her own transportation arranged. However, when the café started operating independent of the county board of developmental disabilities, Jenny was told that she would have to work five-hour shifts and use the company’s transportation instead. Read more...

February 1, 2019Read More

He was worried about the conditions of his facility. Our advocacy ensured a more sanitary environment. #AdvocacyMatters

Will lives in a state correctional facility in a unit that treats residents with mental illness. He grew concerned about the conditions of his unit when he saw mice, insects and what he thought to be black mold in the facility. Worried about his health and the health of his... Read more...

January 25, 2019Read More

His needs weren't being met in the classroom. We helped get him support to succeed. #AdvocacyMatters

When he was in kindergarten, Jonathan went to a school for students with autism, but his mom felt that he would do well in general education classrooms with the right support. However, when he entered first grade at his new school, his mom noticed significant changes in his behavior and... Read more...

January 18, 2019Read More

Her services were cut and her home was in jeopardy. We helped her stay put. #AdvocacyMatters

Beverly was pretty happy with the in-home and rental assistance services she was receiving in her accessible apartment. However, her apartment building was slowly being transitioned to an assisted living facility. In October, she was notified that she would have to switch from an Ohio Home Care waiver to an... Read more...

January 11, 2019Read More

She needed a closer parking space. Our advocacy paved the way. #AdvocacyMatters

Mary's apartment complex had five accessible parking spaces, but they were frequently taken by other residents and their guests. She often found herself having to walk long distances to get to her apartment, which was very difficult because of her disability. She tried for several weeks to ask the property... Read more...

January 4, 2019Read More

We saw a need for education about housing rights, so we partnered to get funding. #AdvocacyMatters

Some of the most common questions we get at Disability Rights Ohio are about housing rights, particularly around discrimination, reasonable accommodations and support or assistance animals. In a continued effort to educate people around those specific issues, DRO has partnered with Southeastern Ohio Legal Services (SEOLS) and the U.S. Department... Read more...

December 14, 2018Read More

She needed our help to stay in school. Our advocacy made the difference. #AdvocacyMatters

Yvonne was being bullied at school, and one day, she reached her breaking point. She went into the school bathroom and wrote a curse word - not a threat - in pencil on the wall. Administrators pulled her out of class and called the police, who arrested the sixth-grader and... Read more...

November 30, 2018Read More

She was in the hospital and wanted to vote. Let her tell you how DRO helped. #AdvocacyMatters

Last Monday I was admitted to the hospital, unexpectedly. I was told I would be there for at least two days. That meant I wouldn't be able to vote. As upset as I was about being in the hospital, I was even more upset that I wouldn't be able to... Read more...

November 16, 2018Read More

She was being denied an education. We got her back in the classroom. #AdvocacyMatters

Poppy had been bullied at school. She told a teacher, but her safety was not taken seriously. Eventually, Poppy could no longer bear it, and she brought a knife to school in her backpack for protection. When the knife was discovered, she was expelled, even though she had no history... Read more...

October 26, 2018Read More

She wanted to get back into the community. Our advocacy got her there. #AdvocacyMatters

Germaine Martin has a bachelor's degree in political science with a minor in mathematics, and she wants to put her sharp mind to work and lead an active, social life. She'd had that community-based life at one time, with all of the supports she needed as a person with quadriplegia,... Read more...

October 19, 2018Read More

The absentee voting process was inaccessible. Our lawsuit gave voters with disabilities new options. #AdvocacyMatters

For many years, Ohio's absentee voting system was entirely paper-based. If you couldn't read text on a piece of paper or use a pen to write, you had no choice but to ask someone to help you fill out your absentee ballot - and trust that person to mark your... Read more...

October 5, 2018Read More

Her health was at risk in the heat. Our call to her property manager helped her cool off. #AdvocacyMatters

Last year, Margie's condo association put a fresh coat of paint on the outside of all the units in her complex. In the process, they inadvertently painted her windows shut. This wasn't a problem until this summer, when Margie's air conditioning system stopped working and she couldn't open her windows... Read more...

September 21, 2018Read More

She needed someone to fight for her education. We stepped up. #AdvocacyMatters

A'loni Wagner was doing great in a school for kids with behavior disabilities, but her school district no longer wanted to pay for her attendance there. Instead, they sent her to her local middle school, where she struggled with teachers who often resorted to immediately restraining her instead of helping... Read more...

August 31, 2018Read More

They were violating her rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. We called the county commissioner. #AdvocacyMatters

Like many people with disabilities, Genevieve depends on her county department of job and family services (JFS) and Medicaid to provide taxi transportation to her medical appointments. Genevieve kept encountering one company that always refused to put her wheelchair in the trunk of their cabs - a clear violation of... Read more...

August 24, 2018Read More

Without a handrail, she felt trapped in her apartment. We helped her out. #AdvocacyMatters

Meryl's apartment had three steps at the front door but no handrail. Because she is legally blind and was still recovering from two strokes, she didn't feel safe navigating them on her own. She had resorted to paying someone to bring in her mail and was struggling to pay her... Read more...

August 17, 2018Read More

He wanted to be able to communicate. We helped him get the device he needed. #AdvocacyMatters

Vaughn wanted a new speech-generating device. Although he can write, he has limited use of his hands, so forming words with pen and paper is very difficult. His current device was nearly 20 years old, so it was big, clunky and had started to make loud clicking noises when it... Read more...

August 10, 2018Read More

After an accident, they impounded her wheelchair. We helped her get it back. #AdvocacyMatters

Sadie wanted to be home before dark. To get there, she had to drive her power wheelchair down streets with no sidewalk. Before long, she tumbled down an embankment and was thrown from her chair. Read more...

August 3, 2018Read More

Kids were at risk in a locked room. We opened the doors. #AdvocacyMatters

A DRO advocate got a tip that children with disabilities were being locked inside a recreation room at a learning center, so she traveled to the facility unannounced and asked for a tour. The program’s administrator was happy to show the advocate around. When they arrived at the room they... Read more...

July 25, 2018Read More

Without reliable transportation, her health was suffering. We fought alongside her to get her what she needed. #AdvocacyMatters

Alicia's health was suffering. Like many people with disabilities, she needs safe, reliable transportation to get to medical appointments, but her Medicaid managed care company kept providing transportation that put her at risk. She was told she could only get transportation if she used a manual chair instead of her... Read more...

July 13, 2018Read More

She needed a reasonable accommodation to get to work. Our advice kept her on the job. #AdvocacyMatters

Rebecca liked her job at a nearby nursing home, but her transportation arrangement was very stressful. Although she lived just three miles from her work place, her service provider required her to be picked up 90 minutes in advance and even transfer to a different bus along the way. This... Read more...

July 6, 2018Read More

Marcus hadn't been in school all year. We got him back on track. #AdvocacyMatters

Marcus and his family had moved to a new school district over the summer, and his mother, Marie, went to his new school to register him. Marcus, who has ADHD, Spina Bifida, epilepsy and autism and uses a wheelchair, needs a lot of supports, and Marie felt the school wasn't... Read more...

June 29, 2018Read More

With support from DRO, Kayla Stacy turns her broken trust into an opportunity for advocacy #AdvocacyMatters

"I was lucky to find out about DRO, and they made all the difference. They made me feel like a human, not a piece of evidence to be pulled out of a box. I don't know how I'd have gotten through this process without them." Read more...

June 21, 2018Read More

He needed a home. We gave him the encouragement he needed to find the perfect place. #AdvocacyMatters

Peter needed a place to live. Although he was eligible for services from his county board of developmental disabilities, he'd been homeless and sleeping on couches with friends for about a year. His mother called DRO, hoping we could get to the bottom of why Peter still didn't have proper... Read more...

June 15, 2018Read More

She called because they wanted to vote. We helped her clear the way. #AdvocacyMatters

The call came in to DRO's voter hotline at about 2:15 p.m. on Primary Election Day, May 8. A staff person at a psychiatric hospital had four patients who wanted to vote but couldn't go to their polling location because they were hospitalized. DRO had done voting rights trainings at... Read more...

June 1, 2018Read More

A proposed rule change could have put people at risk of abuse. Our call to action helped put a stop to it. #AdvocacyMatters

The news was concerning: with little explanation, the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities was proposing to change a rule about its abuser registry and announced a public hearing to accept input. Read more...

May 25, 2018Read More

An incorrectly reported incident left him without job coaching services. We helped him get back to work with the supports he needs. #AdvocacyMatters

Jacob was looking for a new job in the community through the Job Club at his county board of developmental disabilities. Though his autism can make it difficult for him to understand social situations, at 20 years old, he is familiar with what it takes to hold long-term jobs in... Read more...

May 18, 2018Read More

She needed a fence to keep her safe outside. We got her the green light to build it. #AdvocacyMatters

Ava and her family live in a nice neighborhood in Central Ohio. Ava has autism and Dup15q Syndrome, and in the past she has run away from her home, which caused her mom, Laura, to worry that she could get hurt. Her Medicaid waiver offered to pay to have a... Read more...

April 30, 2018Read More

She needed a different vehicle to take her to medical appointments. We got her rolling. #AdvocacyMatters

Betty was getting transportation services for medical appointments through her Area Agency on Aging. The transportation company was sending a minivan to pick her up, but she found that it was too hard for her to climb in and out of such a high vehicle. She requested either a car... Read more...

April 20, 2018Read More

She wanted to cast her absentee ballot privately and independently. Our lawsuit made it a reality. #AdvocacyMatters

Shelbi Hindel has voted in every election since she turned 18. Because she is blind, she needed help to read the ballot for many years, relying on someone to read it aloud to her and trusting them to vote the way she wanted to. Accessible voting machines with screen reading... Read more...

April 13, 2018Read More

She needed more time. We made sure the landlord was listening. #AdvocacyMatters

Amy's father had just died. She was still trying to deal with the loss when she received bad news from his landlord: due to some unpaid rent, the landlord had gone to court to get an eviction notice. He would be putting all of her father's belongings out on the... Read more...

April 4, 2018Read More

He needed an in-person ASL interpreter. We reminded his medical providers of their responsibility. #AdvocacyMatters

Jack was trying to schedule an appointment with a new family doctor. He needed an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter and knew that his doctor was required to provide one, but when he called the doctor's office, he hit some roadblocks. Read more...

March 23, 2018Read More

They were in danger of losing nursing services. Our pro bono partnership with Nationwide saved the day. #AdvocacyMatters

Two Ohio families had gotten bad news: the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities wanted to reduce or end the nursing services their daughters were receiving in their homes. Instead, the Department wanted an aide to perform the same care, which the families feared would put Leah and Michelle at risk... Read more...

March 16, 2018Read More

He needed a wheelchair to get around after surgery. We helped him find one. #AdvocacyMatters

At just 9 years old, Guillermo had undergone major surgery to his foot and, although he was doing well, doctors said he wouldn't be able to walk for three months while he healed. The third-grader was anxious to get back to school, but without a wheelchair to keep his foot... Read more...

March 9, 2018Read More

They had a right to effective communication. Our advocacy got them the help they needed. #AdvocacyMatters

Freda and her husband purchased a home security system. Because they are Deaf, the company's installation technician tried to explain how to work the system by passing notes back and forth, but this caused a lot of confusion, since American Sign Language (ASL) is their primary language, not English. Read more...

February 23, 2018Read More

She wanted her freedom back. We helped her get it. #AdvocacyMatters

Monica had been under guardianship since she was 19, and after six years she knew it was time for a change. She had been taking care of herself for years in many ways, and her current guardian was controlling and critical, preventing Monica from practicing her religion and threatening to... Read more...

February 16, 2018Read More

With DRO’s help, Zach Ricker finds his way #AdvocacyMatters

Zach Ricker is happy now. At age 18, he’s got a job at Bob Evans in Bellefontaine washing dishes and bussing tables, and he’s making friends with his co-workers. It’s a life his parents, Lorie and Tim, have fought for, but it could easily have turned out differently. Read more...

February 9, 2018Read More

She needed a simple accommodation. One phone call from DRO made the difference. #AdvocacyMatters

Rebecca frequently meets with her case manager at a local agency. Because she's blind, she needs someone to offer an arm to guide her from the lobby to her case manager's office once she gets inside the building, but she was told that front office staff wouldn't provide that service... Read more...

February 2, 2018Read More

A facility was in poor condition. We partnered with the provider to get it fixed up. #AdvocacyMatters

In August 2017, Disability Rights Ohio received an anonymous tip that an Adult Care Facility in the Youngstown area was in bad shape, putting its residents - people with mental illness - at risk. DRO's abuse and neglect team visited and found a host of problems: stained and buckling ceiling... Read more...

January 26, 2018Read More

We wanted to help the disability community track important legislation. So we created a new resource center. #AdvocacyMatters

Disability Rights Ohio monitors dozens of pieces of legislation at any given time and maintains relationships with lawmakers to educate and inform them about how their proposals will affect people with disabilities. We know that many partners and self-advocates rely on us to help them stay informed on these issues. Read more...

January 12, 2018Read More

She needed a closer parking space. We paved the way. #AdvocacyMatters

Leandra could never find a parking space close to her apartment. She'd have to park a block away and walk up a hill to her building, which was quite difficult because of her mobility disability. She asked her landlord to give her an assigned, reserved parking space close to her... Read more...

December 29, 2017Read More

The clients were living in appalling, unsafe conditions. We got the facility shut down. #AdvocacyMatters

As the Protection & Advocacy system for people with disabilities in Ohio, Disability Rights Ohio constantly monitors facilities where people with disabilities live to make sure they are clean and safe and the residents are well cared for. In June 2016, DRO made a monitoring visit to Simmons Adult Care,... Read more...

December 21, 2017Read More

Donzel Shepherd's call to DRO leads to more transparency for all Ohioans with disabilities seeking job services #AdvocacyMatters

Donzel Shepherd wants to help people get back to work, and he wants to do that in the underserved neighborhoods in his hometown of Cleveland. "I want to go into the community centers, where people don't have access to these services," he explains. "No one else goes there. " Read more...

December 15, 2017Read More

Bipartisan bill would create new program to protect people with disabilities from financial exploitation #AdvocacyMatters

Recently there have been reports in the news and through the Office of the Inspector General and Government Accountability Office about problems with the representative payee oversight program. In response, Congressional Republican Sam Johnson of Texas and Democrat John B. Larson of Connecticut have introduced House Resolution 4547, the Strengthening... Read more...

December 8, 2017Read More

He wanted to vote. We made it happen. #AdvocacyMatters

It was Election Day and James was excited to exercise his right to vote. He called DRO's voter hotline from the facility where he lives to get the address of his polling location. DRO found the information, and James asked the DRO representative to tell a staff member at the... Read more...

December 1, 2017Read More

Thanks to DRO's pro bono partnership with Nationwide, Gabriel can get the services he needs in the community. #AdvocacyMatters

Gabriel's parents, Stanley and Jean, had given him the best care they could in his youth. However, at 20 years old, conflicts escalated with Gabriel's increasingly aggressive behavior and Stanley's own health challenges. Gabriel was on the waiting list for a Medicaid waiver so that he could live his dream... Read more...

November 22, 2017Read More

His landlords threatened him over his emotional support animal request. We clarified the law so he could bring home his new best friend. #AdvocacyMatters

Stephen had collected everything he thought he needed to request a reasonable accommodation from his landlords to get an emotional support animal. But even after going above and beyond what is legally required by getting a letter from his doctor, they still denied his request, citing a "no pets" policy.... Read more...

November 17, 2017Read More

DRO cares about your right to vote. Call our Voter Hotline for help. #AdvocacyMatters

People with disabilities have the right to vote, and Disability Rights Ohio fights to ensure that those votes can be cast. Every Election Day, DRO runs a Voter Hotline, which allows people who are having problems voting to talk directly to a DRO staff member, who can answer their questions.... Read more...

November 2, 2017Read More

Sheila's confusing government letter was made clear, thanks to a little help from DRO. #AdvocacyMatters

Sheila was concerned. She'd gotten a letter in the mail that seemed to say her Medicare benefits would stop at the end of the year, and she wasn't sure why. She called DRO's Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) program, since she'd worked with our benefits counselors before and thought... Read more...

October 27, 2017Read More

Without his scooter, he couldn't safely visit his son in prison. We helped him keep rolling. #AdvocacyMatters

Melvin's son is serving a prison sentence, and Melvin and his wife, Reba, like to visit him once a month. When checking in at security, though, the prison staff required Melvin to turn in his motorized scooter and use a chair on four small wheels instead. However, the visitation area... Read more...

October 20, 2017Read More

They needed an accessible parking space. We educated their landlord about the Fair Housing Act. #AdvocacyMatters

Miriam and her husband Dave have lived in her apartment for 20 years. Because Miriam uses a walker and Dave was recently diagnosed with cancer, they needed an accessible parking space near their townhouse door. However, their new landlords had taken down the accessible parking signs and the emblem painted... Read more...

October 13, 2017Read More

Her nursing services were threatened by a change to her waiver. We helped her maintain the care she needs. #AdvocacyMatters

Thanks to a Medicaid waiver, Mimi had been receiving nursing services to help with her feeding tube, medications and walking assistance for years. She is also nonverbal. When the state decided to eliminate the waiver she'd been on and transition her to a different one, they also notified her that... Read more...

October 5, 2017Read More

He was ready to get off his benefits. We advised him on the path forward. #AdvocacyMatters

At 25 years old, Martin had been through three back surgeries. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) had supported him during that time, but he was eager to return to work. He utilized the Trial Work Period offered through the Social Security Ticket to Work program, which allowed him to work... Read more...

September 28, 2017Read More

He needed help getting back to the doctor. We helped smooth his way. #AdvocacyMatters

Matt's back hurt, and he was having trouble with his sight, so he scheduled an appointment with the only doctor who accepted Medicaid in his small town. At the appointment, he asked the doctor to refer him to specialists, but the doctor insisted that he make a second appointment to... Read more...

September 22, 2017Read More

DRO submits comments on bill to create OOD Council

Disability Rights Ohio recently submitted interested party testimony on Ohio Senate Bill 144 (SB144), which would replace the current Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Commission with an Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities Council (Council). OOD is the state agency that administers vocational rehabilitation (VR) services to Ohioans with disabilities,... Read more...

September 21, 2017Read More

She wanted a bigger place for her cat, but her landlord said no. We helped them move forward. #AdvocacyMatters

Stephanie lived in an efficiency apartment with her cat, Cleo--an emotional support animal--but she felt like she needed more space. She asked her landlord if she could move into a one-bedroom apartment in the building. Despite Stephanie providing medical documentation, her landlord denied her request and said the cat wouldn't... Read more...

September 15, 2017Read More

She didn't feel safe on the school bus. We helped her get the support she needed. #AdvocacyMatters

At the end of last school year, Kayla was inappropriately touched and repeatedly sexually harassed on the school bus by an older boy. However, the school refused to take action and even suggested that Kayla may have encouraged his behavior, despite knowing that she had disabilities related to fetal alcohol... Read more...

September 8, 2017Read More

D'Marcell felt out of place and desperate for help. Our advocacy brought systemic changes. #AdvocacyMatters

D'Marcell is a transgender woman living in a men's prison. This caused her to feel extreme anxiety and depression and to act out by injuring herself. The prison, however, denied her any hormone therapy, choosing instead to treat her only for anxiety and depression, which didn't solve the underlying problem.... Read more...

September 1, 2017Read More

She needed an accommodation to get her license back. We helped her succeed. #AdvocacyMatters

Vanessa's massage therapy license had lapsed. She wanted to get it restored so she could financially support herself. That required her to take a computer-based licensing test, but her disability made it difficult to travel to the distant location where the test was administered. She asked the state Massage Therapy... Read more...

August 18, 2017Read More

She wanted to see our nation's history. We helped her get there. #AdvocacyMatters

Tasia's eighth-grade class was planning a trip to Washington, D.C., and although her developmental disabilities made it difficult for her to focus on tasks and move efficiently from place to place, she was excited to go. Her grandmother, Jeanne, provided all of the required information and paid for the trip,... Read more...

August 11, 2017Read More

We saw a need, and a grant from OSBF helped us fill it. #AdvocacyMatters

Although Disability Rights Ohio has dozens of helpful documents in its online Resource Center, they were not accessible for many of the 100,000 American Sign Language speakers in Ohio, so we applied for, and received, a grant from the Ohio State Bar Foundation to change that. Because ASL and English... Read more...

August 4, 2017Read More

They were being mistreated in prison. We advocated for their rights. #AdvocacyMatters

"Treatment team meetings are just discussions about how to kick us out of the mental health unit as soon as possible," they said. Several people in prison units designed to provide treatment for those with serious mental illness had contacted Disability Rights Ohio to express this concern. DRO took their complaints... Read more...

June 16, 2017Read More

He lost his sight during a mental health crisis. We helped him regain his dignity. #AdvocacyMatters

Gerald is lucky to be alive. In 2015, he was shot by police 10 times during a mental health crisis. The altercation left him missing one eye and with limited sight in the remaining eye. After he healed from his gunshot wounds, he was placed in a psychiatric hospital, where... Read more...

June 9, 2017Read More

He wanted to move on from some mistakes in his youth. We helped him get a new chance. #AdvocacyMatters

Marcus was ready to find a job in the community, but he was having difficulty finding work because of some criminal charges from 14 years ago. Since then, he had stayed out of trouble, gone to therapy and become an active member of his church community, making him an excellent... Read more...

June 2, 2017Read More

Her high school teachers thought she couldn't learn. We stepped in. Now she's thriving in college. #AdvocacyMatters

Jordyn Zimmerman was always told that because she was not able to communicate verbally, college was not on the horizon. Even a modified high school diploma was hardly expected. Her educators believed her autism meant that she couldn't understand them. DRO found that was not the case. Read more...

May 26, 2017Read More

After many years of school, she wanted to give work a trial run. We gave her some good news. #AdvocacyMatters

Marcy was a recipient of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and she had just finished school to become a physician's assistant. She worried about being physically able to work full-time, which would eliminate her SSDI benefits. Read more...

May 19, 2017Read More

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